


永不停止的跳跳弹簧圈Project Nesm——小时候玩过拉环弹簧圈吗?相信很多80后还记忆犹新。现在这个东东有了更有趣的玩法,老外将它放在一个有斜度的微型“跑步机”上,启动跑步机,弹簧就会不间断地努力“奔跑”,如上图那样,看上去非常有趣。如果搞一个大体型的放在超市门口,将会非常吸引眼球。

If you’ve spent your limited time here on this planet watching that video of a Slinky on a treadmill, Creatables Labs has just the thing for you. They call it Project NESM, short for Never Ending Slinky Machine, and it’s a desktop version of that viral video.

“If you would describe yourself as a day dreamer and are always thinking of a new idea or project to undertake… then you’ll appreciate the awesomeness of this project. That is why we want to aid the creative thinkers and the entrepreneur’s of the world, because what’s better than a machine which blends science, art and Slinky’s?”




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